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The configuration file is a TypeScript module which exports an object of type ProxyConfig.

You can create a config file by running intervene create <URL>, which will create a sample config file, save it under the name of the host and start the proxy.

e.g. intervene create

Example configuration🔗

import { ProxyConfig } from '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/intervene';

const config: ProxyConfig = {
  target: ''

export default config;

Configuration Options🔗

ProxyConfig has the following members (where only target is mandatory)

  • target: The URL that should be proxied to. Note that paths here are not supported.
  • localUrl: The local scheme, hostname and optionally port to listen on. If this is not present, the target is used as the localUrl. See directing to alternate hosts
  • targetHeaders: An object with headers to override when making proxy calls. Examples of headers that can be useful here are host and x-forwarded-proto.
  • writeEtcHosts: Boolean. If this is true, /etc/hosts will be written to with the localUrl hostname or target hostname. Default true
  • skipEtcHosts: Boolean. If this is true, /etc/hosts will not be used when looking up the IP address to connect to when proxying. This is the default, as it enables writing a public hostname to /etc/hosts (e.g. and then proxying to the real address. Default true.
  • allowUntrustedCerts: Boolean. If this is true, when the target is HTTPS, targets are allowed to have untrusted or invalid certificates. Ensure this is true if the target is using a self-signed or custom CA signed certificate. Default is true.
  • removeStrictTransportSecurity: Boolean. Removes the Strict-Transport-Security headers from any proxied request, meaning that browsers like Firefox that don't allow self-signed certs on sites with HSTS enabled can be worked around. Set this to false to leave Strict-Transport-Security headers in the response. Defaults to true.
  • onShutdown: () => void | Promise<any>. A function which gets called when the proxy process is shutdown (i.e. with Ctrl-C). Use this if you need to clean anything up when shutting down.
  • routes: An object with keys as paths to override (paths are hapi path parameters). Optionally prefixed with the uppercase HTTP verb (defaults to GET). Values are either

  • JSON to return as application/json

  • string to return as text/plain
  • a function: (request, h, proxy) => Promise<response>

    • request is the request information, which can be edited

    • method - the HTTP request method

    • url - the requested url, parsed into object form, including query string parsing
    • headers - object containing the request headers
    • payload - in the case of a PUT or POST, contains the payload (in JSON format if applicable)

    • h is the hapi response toolkit, if you need to construct your own responses

    • proxy is a function which returns a promise of the response from the target. If any of the properties of the request are altered before calling this method, the changes are used to make the request.

    The return value of the function can be any one of the following:

    • A JavaScript object. This will be returned as an application/json response
    • A response created from h.response(...) (see hapi response builder)
    • The (optionally altered) response object from calling proxy() (the third argument to the route function)
    • A promise that resolves to any of the above values